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disAbled Life Alliance Launches "Prosthesis for Every Limb" Initiative for Accessible and Affordable Prosthetic Devices

Key Takeaways
  • The Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative aims to provide access to prosthetic devices to all amputees regardless of their financial situation, and has three primary objectives: to increase access to prosthetic devices, to improve the quality of prosthetic devices, and to reduce the cost of prosthetic devices.
  • disAbled Life Alliance has partnered with Crowdsmart, Inc. to gather insights and ideas from the amputee community and achieve the goals of the Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative through research, advocacy, and community engagement.
  • The initiative will identify and remove barriers to access, improve the quality of prosthetic technology, and reduce the cost of prosthetic devices through cost-saving measures and working with insurance companies.

Boston, MA - April 11, 2023 -- disAbled Life Alliance, a public benefit corporation, has launched the Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative. This new initiative focuses on providing access to prosthetic devices to amputees who lack access due to disparities in healthcare, insurance, access, and many other factors.

According to recent statistics, an estimated 60% of amputees lack access to prosthetic devices, despite advances in prosthetic technology. The Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative aims to change this by providing access to prosthetic devices to all amputees, regardless of their financial situation.

"Our mission is to make sure that every amputee has access to the resources they need to live a full and active life," said PK Kent, Founder and Managing Partner of disAbled Life Alliance. "We believe that this initiative will be a crucial step towards achieving that goal and impacting the lives of amputees."

To further this initiative, disAbled Life Alliance has partnered with Crowdsmart, Inc., a collective intelligence AI technology. Crowdsmart's AI technology will enable members of the amputee community to contribute their ideas, engage with other community members' ideas, and be a crucial component in accomplishing the objectives of this critical initiative.

"Crowdsmart's AI technology will enable us to engage with the amputee community and gather their insights and ideas," added Lauren Sears, Managing Director, Operations. "We believe that this collaboration will be instrumental in achieving the goals of the Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative."

The Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative has three primary objectives: to increase access to prosthetic devices, to improve the quality of prosthetic devices, and to reduce the cost of prosthetic devices. These objectives will be achieved through a combination of research, advocacy, and community engagement.

To increase access to prosthetic devices, disAbled Life Alliance will work to identify and remove barriers to access, such as insurance and financial constraints. They will also work to increase awareness of the importance of prosthetic devices and the resources available to amputees.

To improve the quality of prosthetic devices, disAbled Life Alliance will work to identify areas of improvement in prosthetic technology and advocate for changes in the industry. They will also work to ensure that all amputees have access to the latest technology.

To reduce the cost of prosthetic devices, disAbled Life Alliance will work to identify cost-saving measures, such as bulk purchasing and partnerships with manufacturers. They will also work with insurance companies to ensure that prosthetic devices are covered under insurance plans.

disAbled Life Alliance
The disAbled Life Alliance is a public benefit corporation that helps drive far-reaching positive change within the disabled community. We offer advisory and transactional services to major private funders who wish to invest their resources in solving issues affecting people with disabilities. Operating at the nexus of community needs and strategic philanthropy, we harness the power of collective intelligence technology to gather real-time data from the community to inform our strategies for co-creating meaningful change.

CrowdSmart AI enables any team to quickly engage and reason together to co-create accurate priorities and recommendations to accelerate problem-solving. Delivered as a cloud service, CrowdSmart's patented human+generative AI helps groups share and refine their intelligence with curated insights from channels and the Web to generate trusted and predictive recommendations. CrowdSmart AI is a secure and transparent cloud service that integrates easily with other applications, transforming any group of people into powerful co-creators in Web3 ventures, public-benefit DAOs and IRL communities across companies, non-profits, and public agencies.

Key Takeaways
  • The Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative aims to provide access to prosthetic devices to all amputees regardless of their financial situation, and has three primary objectives: to increase access to prosthetic devices, to improve the quality of prosthetic devices, and to reduce the cost of prosthetic devices.
  • disAbled Life Alliance has partnered with Crowdsmart, Inc. to gather insights and ideas from the amputee community and achieve the goals of the Prosthesis for Every Limb Initiative through research, advocacy, and community engagement.
  • The initiative will identify and remove barriers to access, improve the quality of prosthetic technology, and reduce the cost of prosthetic devices through cost-saving measures and working with insurance companies.
Media Gallery
Our mission is to make sure that every amputee has access to the resources they need to live a full and active life.
Paul "PK" KentFounder and Managing Partner
Crowdsmart's AI technology will enable us to engage with the amputee community and gather their insights and ideas.
Lauren SearsManaging Director, Operations
Related Bios
Paul "PK" Kent
Founder and Managing Partner
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Lauren Sears
Managing Director, Operations
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Lauren Sears
Managing Director, Operations